Sundown town
Albert Williams – Rebbish Carrboro (clip)
Albert Williams: Things were segregated. That’s why I’m saying the people in Carrboro don’t know what was going on. When you cross that railroad track at night, that was the white side of town. You didn’t have no business in Carrboro.
Rob Stephens: I’ve heard that.
AW: Unless you lived out…
Albert Williams – Rebbish Carrboro (clip)
Hilliard Caldwell - Speaking about his childhood, family, and race
I was president of my student body at Lincoln High from 1955-56. That was the first time that I'd ever ran for an office where people voted for you based on what you stood for. Having experienced that in an all Black high school was the driving point in getting me to want to run for public office…
Hilliard Caldwell - Speaking about his childhood, family, and race
Thomas Merritt - On his family history, the importance of land ownership, and life prior to and after integration
"Know what history really is. Know what history is all about. Dig deep."
- Thomas Merritt
In this interview, Mr. Merritt gives an overview of his family history in Chapel Hill and Carrboro by sharing memories of his childhood while discussing larger social shifts at work. Starting with a description…
Thomas Merritt - On his family history, the importance of land ownership, and life prior to and after integration